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The perfect storm of the COVID-19 pandemic, the opiate epidemic, and the recent legalization of marijuana for recreational use is creating a new generation of pregnant women that will challenge the health care and treatment systems and children that will challenge Sacramento County’s schools, agencies, and organizations. It is almost guaranteed that current circumstances will translate into increasing behavioral and learning difficulties in the classroom and in the home. However, it is within our capabilities to prevent these problems and enhance family unity as well as children’s long-term developmental trajectory through community-based and holistic strategies. This program will present four basic principles of ethical prevention, especially as prevention addresses the needs of pregnant and parenting women, children, and families - therapeutic intent, do no harm, justice and respect for autonomy - and explore the role of Sacramento County citizens, community leadership, and the SACCounty Healthy Beginnings initiative in supporting a comprehensive prevention and early intervention system of care that will promote family health and well-being.
Learning objectives:
At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
Describe the racial and socioeconomic biases that affect identification and intervention for pregnant women at risk for substance use
List four ethical principles of prevention
Discuss how these ethical principles can be applied to address issues of equity in Sacramento County